Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Craziest Audiosurf I've Ever Seen

This was something I did last night. Sorry for the quality, but that's the best I could do.

This came about basically from James and I playing Audiosurf, and I randomly picked a song from "My Music" folder. I really didn't realize that I had a bunch of Soundboard Prank Calls in there too, and I randomly picked this little number, thus making one of the weirdest games of Audiosurf I've played.

And sorry for the delay on the TF2 dub, it's provided to be a lot more complicated that I thought it would be.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Bill Needs Help

Apparently, a user over at prank call site, RealmOfDarkness.net not only made a Bill from Left 4 Dead soundboard, but also made a prank call with it.